Managing Director
It is an immense pleasure for me to express my heartiest complements and warmth greetings to the visitors for their respective contributions to the steady promotion of Super Medical Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd. I am ever grateful to Almighty Allah for the unbounded blessings from the founding to continuous progress of my initiatives and credit goes to you all for being always with me in my endeavors. Since the outset of invincible journey, I was envisioned out of personal and professional passion for humanity, to set up a hospital with efficient health professionals equipped with modern medical technologies for optimum services in compatible with financial affordability of common people.
Overall medical services have tremendously been extended throughout the years by undertaking a series of pragmatic initiatives including the introduction of individual departments following highest medical standards. The elementary planning, financing and above all intellectual efforts of all aspects have capable us to provide a wide range of health care services among the local community as well as it’s surroundings.
This potential expansion of the Super Medical Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd. results of intellectual efforts and efficiencies of dedicated medical professionals, relentless support of my colleagues and more importantly the constant cooperation of local community and stakeholders. In contexts of emergence of Bangladesh as a developing country and global gradual progress in medical innovations, we are trying our best to ensure desired health services utilizing our optimum efforts and capacities to create a space of confidence to receive satisfactory care and ultimate reduction of their trend to rush remote area for recovery. Contributions of physicians, constant care of other health professionals and continued cooperation of communities may enormously enhance the quality of services in our hospital. I will remain grateful to your continued contribution to make our humanitarian goal to right destination.
Thank you.