MD. SAlim RAza

Managing Director
Super Medical Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd

Mission of super medical hospital

To be the premier international standard healthcare destination with comprehensive
super specialty excellence touching lives with care and empathy.

Our Vision is our way of Life

Super Medical Hospitals enjoys the distinction of being the first corporate hospital in Bangladesh. We started our operations as a tertiary care super specialty hospital on March 30, 2005. Our affiliation with the prestigious quality brand of Super Medical Hospital, reflects the International Standard for Quality and Patient Safety in providing corporate healthcare and consumer value in our market niche. Super Medical Hospital leads with clear superiority in healthcare solution market proving that once inaccessible pinnacles in healthcare delivery parameters can be reached. Our clinical excellence today is of course unmatched. But the courage – courage to move forward as the first for-profit corporate hospital in the country, to lead where none has gone before – is doubly unmatched.

Super Medical Hospital is a smarter high-tech hospital than many in the country; hence, the problems we have here are solvable. While it cannot eradicate diseases or even reduce them, technology can certainly help mitigate losses and alleviate patient suffering. Based on analysis of affected areas, skilled medical staff can be guided to manage patients, diseases, outcomes and consequences.

In Super Medical Hospital, our strength is built through struggle and hardship to upkeep consistent quality in every aspect of patient service. All of us share this strength with tremendous compassion and empathy. Our optimism comes from the belief that we have the capacity within us to improve our patients’ health and contribute productively to their condition, and thus, the opportunity to build lives that are better, fuller and healthier in every way. Through our actions to make quality healthcare accessible to our patients, we prove everyday that our service is not a mere occupation, but a way of life.

Super Medical Hospital is staffed with individuals having a natural tendency to help, combined with the qualities of mind and spirit that always seek to reach out and connect to patients. When we counsel our patients, we give them confidence not only in us, but also in themselves to get well. We do not only listen to our patients, we hear what is actually being said by them. We want to know about our patients’ pains and problems – so that we can help, so that we can change their lives. And we do not want to do this later or in a small way, but now and profoundly.